Been out riding too. Gotta get ready for the Ragnarok 105. At this point, I'm just hoping to survive. Plans were afoot to put in 60ish miles today - but radar is showing a cold rain heading this way. I don't mind cold, and I don't mind rain, but that combination? Hrm, not so much. I'll find a way to make it all up.

For Jason. Kinda hard to find a midwest photographer that doesn't like the old barn theme. Its amazing how much they say, with out saying anything.

The road ahead.

We've got stickers on the way[bigish bumper style], and more Tshirts are coming too. I've been cleaned out in terms of clothes lately, so expect to see more shorts and jersey's in soon too!
We're also starting trail building sessions at Badger Camp. Last year, Ryan and I were out there doing a lot of marking, but little to no construction work. That's changed this year. We have enough marked that we decided to get out and start digging yesterday. And it felt good. We got between a 1/2 and 3/4 of a mile complete, ready to ride. We'll take the Pugsley's out to pack in the next few days, and BAM!, just like that some ridable trail. No pictures though, forgot the camera at home. I fail. Next time though! We're going to start up a regular work session day out there soon. Probably two Sunday's a month. I've got the email group set up, just have to emial all who were interested.
The season is just starting to get good, and I'm getting excited. Get out and ride!
Listening to: The Replacements//Let it Be